‘Disgusting stench’: the Queenslanders fighting for clean, fresh air

‘Disgusting stench’: the Queenslanders fighting for clean, fresh air

Residents say they are ‘sick and tired’ of foul smell that hangs over their Ipswich homes and have called for public health inquiryGet our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcastSome liken the stench wafting around Ipswich to the smell of rotten eggs. It makes your… 

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Too much stuff: can we solve our addiction to consumerism?

Alarmed by the rising tide of waste we are all creating, my family and I decided to try to make do with much less. But while individual behaviour is important, real change will require action on a far bigger scaleOne freezing cold morning, I drove past the outer edge of… 

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A cocktail of toxins is poisoning our fields. Its effect on humans? Nobody can tell us | George Monbiot

Many of the chemicals being spread as sewage sludge are untested or can’t be assessed. That’s why I’m suing for answersIt’s an experiment with 8 billion test subjects, no controls and no endpoint. What happens when you release thousands of novel chemicals, most of which have not been tested for… 

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EU agrees to ban exports of waste plastic to poor countries

Rules, still subject to formal approval, stop exports to non-OECD countries and limit them elsewhereThe EU has struck a deal to stop ships of waste plastic landing in ports of poor countries.European lawmakers and member states agreed on Friday to ban exports of plastic rubbish to countries outside the OECD… 

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The waste pickers of Nairobi’s Dandora dump site – in pictures

As officials prepare to gather in Nairobi, Kenya, for the third stage of talks on a UN plastic pollution treaty, new photos show the scale of the waste problem less than 8 miles from the UN Environment Programme building where the talks will take place. Nairobi’s Dandora dump site is… 

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