EU exported 32 million tonnes of waste in 2022

EU exported 32 million tonnes of waste in 2022

This information comes from annual data on trade in waste released by Eurostat. Türkiye was the largest destination for waste exported from the EU in 2022. With a volume of 12.4 million tonnes, it accounted for 39% of the total exports of waste. The second-largest destination was India, which received 3.5 million tonnes of waste from the EU in 2022,… 

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Happy holidays and a successful new year

Dear readers, for this year everything is said. We would like to thank you for your interest and your support and hope that you come back to our site in 2023. We take a short break and will be back on January 8 with news and interesting stories. We wish you happy holidays and a good start into 2023. Michael… 

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Geminor launches new waste treatment company for the offshore industry

“The company will develop new processes for the treatment of drilling waste from offshore companies and other industries,” says Bjorn Haaland, General Manager of Risavika Gjenvinning. Bjorn Haaland, who is also the director of hazardous waste at Geminor, leads the development of Risavika Gjenvinning AS. The company was established in collaboration with R&D Manager Henry Magne Haakstad, and will form… 

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EU economy emissions in 2022: down 22% since 2008

The activities with the highest GHG emissions in 2022 were the manufacturing industry and the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning, both with 745 million tonnes of CO2-eq, representing 21% of total greenhouse gases emitted. These were followed by households (718 million tonnes of CO2-eq; 20%), which are emitters of greenhouse gases related to transportation, heating and other… 

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PPWR: Further improvements needed to advance packaging circularity despite positive developments

While EuRIC recognises the progress made towards enhancing packaging circularity, we emphasise the need for additional steps to further these efforts within the EU. The Council’s negotiating position, maintaining the Commission’s proposal for packaging waste reduction targets, and allowing Member States to introduce their own, higher waste prevention targets, is a step forward. Concerning the 2030 and 2040 reuse targets,… 

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Neste doubled the amount of waste plastic processed during 2023

The processing runs in the second half of 2023 doubled the total amount of liquefied waste plastic processed by Neste to more than 6,000 tons. For the first time, the largest run in 2023 exceeded 2,000 tons of liquefied waste plastic. The output of the runs is high-quality, ISCC PLUS certified material for new plastics. “There is an urgent need… 

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Geminor France sends first shipment of RDF to Germany

“We are seeing an increasing interest in waste export in France, and more reluctance towards landfill”, says CM for Geminor France, Kai Schöpwinkel. Geminor reached a new milestone when the first RDF stream recently opened between France and Germany. The first truck, which passed the border containing 23 tonnes of waste for energy recovery, will be followed by five trucks… 

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ICIS: Cautiously optimistic future for plastics circularity

However, in 2023, global macroeconomic headwinds including recessionary fears became a real test for companies’ sustainability commitments. Overall low polymer demand across the key end-use industries with subsequent drops in virgin prices over 2023 made some companies (particularly those less exposed to consumer or regulation pressure) switch to low-cost feedstock alternatives. In the first half of 2023, this was virgin… 

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Material cleaning with state-of-the-art sorting technology

Scarcity of resources, environmental pollution, and global warming, call to rethink new ways to work towards a sustainable economy. The solution is a Circular Economy, in which waste is used as a valuable source of raw materials. As far as plastics are concerned, the EU has already set the recycling targets: plastic waste should be reusable or recyclable in a… 

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APEAL regrets lack of support for recyclability shown by European Council

“Initiatives such as the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) serve as a global model. The General Approach of the Member States in Council missed the opportunity to signal the importance of delivering an ambitious packaging and packaging waste plan for Europe,” said Steve Claus, Secretary General of APEAL. APEAL acknowledges the Council’s efforts to define… 

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Meeting EU environment policy targets by 2030 will be challenging

Published today, the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) first monitoring report on the Programme shows that the EU may not meet most of the monitoring targets outlined in the European Commission’s 8th EAP Monitoring Communication. Stronger implementation by the Member States of existing laws, additional measures, and mainstreaming climate and environment in other policy domains are needed for faster progress. The… 

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New standard for circular plastics ensures higher quality and cost reduction

DIN SPEC 91481 improves the quality assurance of polyamide-based recyclates through the correction of previously insufficient data quality. It provides clear guidelines for the classification and description of waste and recyclates, thus simplifying trade in recycled plastics. In addition, the cooperation partners have developed a concept for a digital product passport for recycled plastics and waste along the entire value… 

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