Steel packaging exceeds EU 2025 recycling target with new calculation methodology

Steel packaging exceeds EU 2025 recycling target with new calculation methodology

Steve Claus, Secretary General of APEAL, highlighted the significance of these findings, stating: “The figures affirm that steel remains the most widely recycled sales packaging material in Europe, a testament to its unique properties and the collaborative efforts of stakeholders across the value chain to maintain a 100% closed material loop.” “Unlike many other packaging materials, our newly published figures… 

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Metales Bolueta recycles non-ferrous metals with Steinert technology

Initially, the founder Julio Marín traded in non-ferrous metals at a site just 200 square metres in size. A few years ago, he passed the business on to his three sons. Julio Marín has continued to advise them in the background. Metales Bolueta currently handles around 4000 tons of metal a month. As customer requirements have grown, the focus on… 

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Get creative with your cast-offs: sustainable wrapping for food gifts

Forage at home for forgotten or discarded items, and you can present homemade food gifts in colourful, low-waste trappingsI love making food gifts – jam, biscuits, chocolates and the like – but how can I wrap them sustainably?Emily, Stroud“We love this time of year, but packaging waste does rear its… 

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Stadler completes Switzerland’s largest electronic waste sorting plant

The company chose Stadler to design and install a new sorting plant to replace its existing facility in Regensdorf. “It is the largest processing plant for electronic waste in Switzerland, and it must ensure high throughput and capability to process the volumes we receive,” says Patrick Wollenmann, Project Manager at Immark. “We expect that with this new plant, we have… 

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News from Marine Debris Foundation, Product Stewardship Institute and more

News from Marine Debris Foundation, Product Stewardship Institute and more U.S. container manufacturer Arglass completed a majority shareholder buyout from Yamamura, a Japanese bottle maker.  Fishing net recycler Bureo announced it has raised investment funding. The Marine Debris Foundation hired Susan Sherman as its first executive director.  The Product Stewardship… 

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Cronimet and CNGR join forces to close the loop in battery recycling

Under the terms of the agreement, CNGR’s investment will allow it to become a strategic partner of Revomet. Under the partnership, Revomet will install its first two processing lines at the new lithium-ion battery recycling facility in Bitterfeld, Germany. The new installation will have an annual capacity of 28,000 metric tons, and the first line is expected to be operational… 

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Vast amounts of waste caused by single-use e-cigarette batteries

The study, published in Joule, highlights a growing environmental threat from these increasingly popular vape pens, which are not designed to be recharged. Disposable e-cigarettes have skyrocketed in popularity in the UK since 2021, with a survey finding an 18-fold increase recorded between January 2021 and April 2022. Within 15 months, their popularity among 18-year-olds rose from 0.4% to 54.8%.… 

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Plastics Recycling Awards Europe entry deadline extended

Shortlisted finalists will be announced on 13 March and showcased at the Plastics Recycling Show Europe taking place at the RAI, Amsterdam 19-20 June 2024. The winners of the seven categories will be presented with their awards on the second day of PRS Europe, 20 June 2024. The seven award categories are: Plastics Recycling Ambassador, Building & Construction Product, Automotive,… 

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Behind Strategic’s bankruptcy, interest rates and market shifts

Behind Strategic’s bankruptcy, interest rates and market shifts A major U.S. downstream outlet for recovered glass from MRFs and bottle deposit programs filed for bankruptcy this month, citing $432 million in debts and interest. Strategic Materials says it plans to reorganize and continue operating normally without interruption. Continue Reading→ The… 

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Position paper in favour of ambitious DRS

In the context of the climate and resource crisis, and given the ambition of the EU, a broad platform of almost fifty organizations from 13 European countries wants to remind the Council representatives that there is still time to raise the ambition of the final PPWR wording. This can be done, among others, by assuring the key role of a… 

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Andritz textile recycling line starts operating at Italian recycling specialist

Considering the growing demand for sustainable fibres in the re-spinning and nonwoven industries, Sfilacciatura Negro Biella decided to expand its recycling capabilities. The company has extensive experience in recycling industrial textile waste and already operates two tearing lines. Based on its long-term collaboration with ANDRITZ, it is now stepping into the recycling of post-consumer clothing waste. “Our approach is based… 

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‘It’s kind of gross but we can do it’: How a community learned to go zero waste

A pioneering city scheme is putting France’s ambitious waste-reduction policies into practice When Alexandre Garcin dreamed up Zero-Waste Roubaix, it wasn’t sustainability he wanted to tackle, but the litter problem that plagued his city. In the middle of his campaign to become a city councillor, Garcin’s brainwave was simple: rather… 

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